Find a SAP Near me
SAP Evaluations, LLC is powered by Substance Abuse Professionals (SAP) and Substance Abuse Experts (SAE) in locations across the United States of America, in all 50 states. Our nationwide SAP providers are fully qualified to perform evaluations for DOT-mandated safety-sensitive employees. We will find a SAP near you when you book an appointment with us. At this time, we are also offering remote and virtual evaluations during COVID-19 to ensure your safety and comfort.
Prepare before you head out on the road:
Working with our company means your SAP is guaranteed to be DOT qualified. We practice ongoing credentialing reviews that ensure that each SAP has up-to-date credentials before performing a DOT SAP evaluation. This provides clinical integrity and DOT compliance. All SAP credentials are kept on file for up to 5 years after the assessment, where they will be instantly available for DOT audit purposes.
On top of our commitment to ongoing credential qualifications, we also ensure the latest edition of DOT guidelines is used in all evaluations. Our SAPs not only receive detailed information on all procedures and paperwork requirements according to DOT regulations but also go through extensive training programs to stay up-to-date with any changes or updates from the DOT. We have a comprehensive network that enables us to provide flexibility and choice for selecting an experienced qualified SAP who meets your criteria based on experience, expertise, cost considerations and most importantly routine availability throughout the country. Not only do we ensure accurate reporting results quickly but also for clinical accuracy using appropriate evidence-based methods or practice. so if you need to know about SAP Evaluation Marietta or SAP Evaluation Georgia visit us or call us now.
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