SAP Evaluations, LLC works with employees who hold positions in companies regulated by the Department of Transportation (DOT).
Our mission is to protect the public interest in safety by professionally evaluating those who have violated DOT regulations. We recommend appropriate education and treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare programs.
Our services protect public and workplace safety while promoting treatment and recovery. You can count on us to provide substance abuse risk management expertise for the employee, the employer, and your workplace!
Any CDL or safety-sensitive DOT position holder who tests positive on a DOT test or refuses to take a DOT test must enroll and complete the return-to-duty (RTD) process
You will begin by participating in a face-to-face clinical SAP evaluation by a DOT qualified Substance Abuse Professional (SAP).
SAP Evaluations, LLC is powered by Substance Abuse Professionals (SAP) and Substance Abuse Experts (SAE) in locations across the United States of America,
At SAP Evaluations, LLC, we know how important your career is to you, and we can help get you back to work safely and promptly.