The Clearinghouse is a centralized database that employers use to report and obtain information regarding DOT program violations. The Clearinghouse also allows employers to conduct queries, checking if a current or prospective employee is prohibited from performing safety-sensitive functions, such as operating a commercial motor vehicle (CMV), due to an unresolved DOT program violation.
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), State Driver Licensing Agencies (SDLAs), and State law enforcement personnel also use the Clearinghouse database for similar tasks.
The Clearinghouse contains DOT violations records, including positive DOT test results and test refusals.
The Clearinghouse also has the steps necessary to complete a return-to-duty (RTD) process and follow-up testing plan.
Yes. Once a driver has registered in the Clearinghouse, they will be able to access their Clearinghouse record electronically. This record would include any DOT program violation information available and the status of their return-to-duty (RTD) process, if applicable.
Authorized users include:
SAPs use the Clearinghouse to report specific information about a CDL driver’s return-to-duty (RTD) activities. This information includes the completion date of the initial SAP assessment and the date the SAP determines that the driver is eligible for RTD testing.
The Clearinghouse offers employers a centralized location to find driver information and report DOT program violations due to their current and prospective employees holding CDLs and CLPs.
Employers can use the Clearinghouse to:
Yes. When a violation is entered, the Clearinghouse associates it with a driver’s commercial driver’s license (CDL) information. Even if the driver has not registered for the Clearinghouse, this will be recorded.
When a driver registers with the Clearinghouse, they must enter their CDL information. This allows them to view any violation or return-to-duty (RTD) information associated with their CDL.
No. Only results of DOT DOT tests or refusals may be reported to the Clearinghouse. Employers may conduct DOT testing that is not a part of DOT testing regulation. Still, any positive test results or refusals for non-DOT testing may not be reported to the Clearinghouse.
Yes. The Clearinghouse can identify drivers who have switched employers or moved to a different state and obtained CDLs in that StateState. This is done to maintain complete and accurate information on such drivers.
An MRO must report the following within two business days of deciding or verification of a Department of Transportation (DOT)-approved DOT test:
An MRO must report any changes to a verified DOT test within one business day of changing the reported results.